Monday, 17 September 2012

Women's website launch Saturday 22nd September

Please come if you can to the launch of the CADFA women's website, one of the products of the CADFA project 'Old Skills, New Skills' - which centred on our seventh women's visit from Palestine (some pics above). This will be at the Calthorpe Project on Saturday 22nd September at 5pm.

The website was also launched in Palestine last week (see below) though we had some problems with the technology!

The site includes the blog and photos from this year's women's visit and from previous ones, but it has been built to change and be an ongoing focus for CADFA women's links groups in both Palestine and Britain.

Remembering the women's visit this year...

Two of the women visitors to Britain in March 2012.. More on the blog

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Friday, 14 September 2012

افتتاح موقع الكتروني نسوي في دار الصداقه

الاربعاء 12-9- 2012

احتفلت النساء في دار الصداقه بانشاء الموقع الجديد لهن ويعتبر هذا انجاز رائع لجمعيتنا ,وقامت المسؤوله عن التوأمه السيده نانديتا داوسون بافتتاحه امام عدد غفير من السيدات اللواتي اجتمعن لهذا السبب وقد قامت السيده فدوى اللبدي بالقاء كلمه عن زياره النساء للندن في شهراذار

فتحيه ابوهلال السابق وقامت بتسليمهم الشهادات بهذه المناسبه