Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Letter from Dar Assadaqa women

Happy new year to the people of Camden. The community of women in Abu Dis thank the community of women in Camden. For their support and sharing what happened in Gaza early last year.

Over the past year we have attended many presentations about women’s health, and we wrote the ‘voice of women’ magazine which you received in Camden. We now want to begin work on a new magazine.

The women here received the ‘Stories from our mothers’ group from London in November and we traveled around Palestine together. We would like to share our stories with them all.

The womens’ committee also visited Al-Haq centre in Ramallah last year and we visited the trade unions in Jericho and Bethany with friends from Camden. We also shared the children’s camp in the Dar Assadaqa centre in the summer.

The new sewing machine has now arrived for us and we thank you for your support here. We want to start sewing classes soon.

With best wishes,
The women’s comittee

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